Advanced Acupuncture
Advanced Acupuncture
Advanced Acupuncture
- Electroacupuncture: Utilizing a mild electric current that passes between pairs of acupuncture needles. This method is believed to enhance pain relief and muscle healing more effectively than traditional acupuncture.
- Auricular Acupuncture: Focused on the ear, recognizing it as a microsystem reflecting the entire body. This approach is often used for addiction, smoking cessation, and weight loss.
- Scalp Acupuncture: Involves inserting needles into parts of the scalp to treat neurological and psychiatric conditions, including stroke rehabilitation, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease.
- Laser Acupuncture: Uses low-level (non-thermal) laser lights on acupuncture points, suitable for patients who are needle phobic or where needle use is contraindicated.
- Acupoint Injection Therapy: Involves the injection of small amounts of saline solution, vitamins, or herbal extracts into acupuncture points to stimulate longer-lasting effects.
- Dry Needling: Involves inserting a needle into trigger points (tight muscle areas). While similar to acupuncture, it is typically used by physical therapists and focuses more on musculoskeletal pain.
- Microsystem Acupuncture: Such as facial or hand acupuncture, where specific parts of the body are treated as maps of the whole body and targeted for treatment.